The University of Alpha and Omega

2023 – 2024




Degree programs of study offered by the University of Alpha and Omega have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.

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Degree programs of study offered by The University of Alpha & Omega have been declared by the appropriate state authority exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statues Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.

Student Complaints Statement

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Welcome to the University of Alpha and Omega. The staff and faculty of the University Alpha and Omega would like to thank you for inquiring about the Bible Institute in Durham, North Carolina.

Enclosed you will find information regarding the school’s curriculum. Please review this information and call us if you have any questions. As we approach another school year, we are looking forward to having you become a part of our student body.

The University of Alpha and Omega will provide training and services to ensure that you have what you need to fulfill your calling in God. Whether you need to complete a degree program for ministry, receive ministerial credentials; obtain certification as a Biblical Counselor or Educator. You will find what you need to enhance your ministry here at the University of Alpha and Omega. We encourage you to take a course in Evangelism, General Bible, Teachers Training, Church Administration, Effective Biblical Counseling, and other religious courses designed to meet your spiritual needs.

…The world is in need of what you have received from Christ.


In this New Millennium and beyond, believers in Christ face the greatest challenges ever presented to the church of Jesus Christ. To teach this generation we are going to need more than a psychological concept of words. We are going to need the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul declared in (I Corinthians 2:4 & 5) “And my speech and preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power that your faith should not be the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

We have found there are many people who know the Bible, many people can quote the scripture verbatim, but don’t know how to rightly divide the Word of God. 2nd Timothy 2:15 –it declares, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” Many religious spirits were developed because they were not able to rightly divide the word. UAO (University of Alpha and Omega) was designed under the inspiration of God to train men and women to proclaim the word intelligently and be knowledgeable to win souls for Christ's imminent return.


The University of Alpha and Omega is a creation based on the vision that the Lord gave to Dr. Martin Estes and Dr. Neichier T. Estes; as it continues the teachings concerning the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The University of Alpha and Omega is under the direction and leadership of Dr. Martin A. Estes who served as a Professor for over 12 years and Dr. Neichier T. Estes who served as a Professor and Registrar for over 12 years.

Pastor, Dr. Martin Estes has served at Lighthouse Christian Pentecostal Church of Christ as a board member, Bible study and Sunday school teacher, a committed minister, who supported Pastor Dr. Clara Cothron to preach on his assigned Sundays, and as a Pastor in training. Dr. Martin A. Estes also served as the leader of the men’s ministry, counseling through the Word of God.

Dr. Martin Estes was a professor for Emmanuel Bible Institute (where Dr. Clara Cothron was President and Dean) for 12 years. His specialty includes church history, and the Oneness of Jesus Christ, Church Administration, Biblical Counseling, and Evangelism. Dr. Martin Estes also taught rigorous courses dealing with Eschatology, Angelology, Soteriology (i.e., science and the Bible), Daniel, and Revelation.

Dr. Neichier T. Estes served at Lighthouse Christian Pentecostal Church of Christ as a board member, Bible study and Sunday school teacher, leader of the youth and women’s ministry, and preached on her assigned Sundays. Dr. Neichier T. Estes also supported Pastor Dr. Clara Cothron throughout the ministry and the operation of Emmanuel Bible Institute.

Dr. Neichier T. Estes was a professor at Emmanuel Bible Institute for 12 years. Her specialty includes Christ in the Old Testament scriptures, Daniel and Revelation, Pedagogy, Evangelism, Types, and the Tabernacle. Dr. Neichier T. Estes also taught the Oneness, Biblical Counseling, and Teachers Training.

Dr. Clara Cothron has been instrumental in training men and women of God to go forth in the truth and not deviate from the Word of God, teaching that it is imperative to be led by the Holy Ghost. Dr. Martin A. Estes and Dr. Neichier T. Estes are a product of this rigorous training and continued to carry on the operation of Emmanuel Bible Institute and Lighthouse Christian Pentecostal Church of Christ until the Lord called his Servant, Dr. Clara Cothron home.


We believe: The Bible is the inspired word of God, giving a true history of the creation of heaven, earth, and humanity, containing a correct prophecy of the ages to come regarding heaven, earth, and destiny of humanity, there is no salvation outside what is in the Bible.

We believe there is only One God (Deuteronomy 6:4)

We believe God is a Spirit (St. John 4:24)

We believe Jesus is the Son of God according to the flesh (Romans 1:3) and God Himself according to the Spirit (St. Matthew 1:23)

We believe that water baptism is to be administered only by immersion. Jesus’ death burial and resurrection are applied to our lives (Acts 2:38) (Romans 6:1-7)

We believe that baptism of the Holy Ghost is the birth of the Spirit (John 3:5). This spiritual baptism is necessary to put someone into the Kingdom of God. God’s Church, the bride of Christ, and evidenced by speaking in other tongues (another language) as the Spirit of God gives utterance.


The purpose of the school is to prepare chosen men and women for personal work, house visitation, hospital missionary work, at home and abroad and teaching in the church and in the Bible School. We will prepare you to do your part in winning our generation to Christ before his imminent return. Courses are prescribed to meet the needs of every Christian Worker.


The University of Alpha and Omega teaches the student that a Christ-centered philosophy of education is designed to develop a thorough understanding of Scripture. A Christ-centered philosophy deals with the gathering of knowledge by the student through class, lectures, assignments, textbooks, and research all subjects needed for the student to develop an understanding of his or her chosen field of ministry. However, the WORD OF GOD TRUMPS ALL TEXTBOOKS.

Theology education is more than just reading a book but knowing how to become effective as a minister of Christ.


A student may transfer credits from another school in which he did not complete a degree program and desires to transfer those credits to the University of Alpha and Omega to complete a degree program and desires to transfer those credits into the University of Alpha and Omega to institutions that are applicable to our program.

Students may transfer credits to our institution for which a grade of “B” or better. Official transcripts only are accepted. Also note, each credit transferred must apply to the program of study. (For example, science, engineering, home economics, etc. cannot be transferred toward a theological degree.)



Associate of Religious Education 60 Credit Hours

Associate of Christian Education 60 Credit Hours

Bachelor of Theology 120 Credit Hours

Bachelor of Religious Education 120 Credit Hours

Master of Theology 156 Credit Hours

Master of Religious Education 156 Credit Hours

(Th. B + 36 Cr. Hrs)


The University of Alpha and Omega (Virtual) admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships, and other school-administered programs.

Students seeking admission to UAO should request an application by contacting the Admissions office, Dr. Neichier Estes at (919) 225-1641.


Dr. Martin A. Estes, President

Dr. Neichier T. Estes Vice President & Dean

Minister Lillian J. Herrod, Registrar


Registration Fee $100.00 (non-refundable) for all programs.

Certificate Program: Tuition $600.00 (books not included)

Associate’s Program: Tuition/Degree $1375.00 (books not included/graduation fee included)

Bachelor’s Program: Tuition/Degree $1775.00 (books not included/graduation fee included)

Master’s Program: Tuition/Degree $1975.00 (books not included/graduation fee included)


Associate of Religious Education 60 Credit Hours

Associate of Christian Education 60 Credit Hours

Bachelor of Theology 120 Credit Hours

Bachelor of Religious Education 120 Credit Hours

Master of Theology 156 Credit Hours

Master of Religious Education 156 Credit Hours

(Th. B + 36 Cr. Hrs.)


Courses are numbered according to the following plan: a letter prefix and a three-digit number identify each course. The letters represent the academic area, and the number represents the level.


BO Bible Origin

BT Biblical Theology

CC Christian Counseling

CE Christian Education

CH Church History

CL Christian Leadership

CLC - Christian Life Coaching for Church Leaders

CR Comparative Religion

DN Daniel

DS Dispensation

EN English

EV Evangelism

HO Homiletics

HE Hermeneutics

MS Missions

NT New Testament Synthesis

OT Old Testament Synthesis

PP Predictive Prophesy

PT Practical Theology

TT Teachers Training

RV Revelation

JN John

100 Certificate Level (30 credits)

200 Associate Level (60 credits)

300 Bachelor Level (120 credits)

400 Master Level (+36 credits (156) after BA level)


Evangelism EV100 (3 credits- 1st year)

This course is an introduction to the knowledge and skills in evangelism. A study of the evangelistic methods of personal witnessing, such a prayer, revival, and witnesses will be covered.

Dispensation DS 101 (3 credits – 1st year)

This course deal with the seven dispensations and eight covenants God made with His people. The student will learn the responsibility and failures of each dispensation and judgment.

Types BT102 (3 credits - 1st year)

This course explores the different types and symbols in the Bible. A type can be a person, place, institution, ceremony, and event.

How to Study the Bible BT103 (3 credits – 1 year)

This course approaches the standard methods of personal Bible study and step by the step lesson plans. It is a practical systematic study that will give the student knowledge of God’s Word.

Homiletics HO104 (3 credits – 1st year)

This course of study provides the student with the development of eight sermon outlines. Any student completing this course will know how to write and deliver a sermon under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

New Testament Synthesis NT105 (3 credits – 1st year)

This course of study introduces the New Testament the purpose and historical setting behind each book.

Tabernacle OT106 (3 credits – 1st year)

This course deals with the study of the types and symbols contained in the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. The Tabernacles relate to the present worship life of both the individual believer and the church.

Old Testament Synthesis OT107 (3 credits –1st year)

This course provides a historical overview of each book of the Old Testament with emphasis on its impact upon the New Testament.

Psalm OT108 (3 credits – 1st year)

This course covers the messianic, historical, praise, and worship psalms. There is a Psalm for every stage and experience of life. The book of a Psalm can be used for prayer, praise, and worship. The student will study the different aspects of the book of Psalm for the daily devotional and walk of the believer.

English ENG109 (4 credits – 1st year)

This course will introduce essay writing and presentation development, fundamentals of writing, creative writing, and how to create an outline.

Evangelism (Part 2) EV200 (4 credits – 2nd year)

This course is a continuation to further develop the knowledge and skills in evangelism. A study of the evangelistic methods of personal witnessing such as prayer, revival, and the process of witnessing will be covered. Students must master the art of evangelism and describe (through essay writing) the areas that evangelists are used in ministry and their responsibilities, must describe at least three evangelists in the bible and their targeted population.

The Pentateuch OT201 (4 credits – 2nd year)

A study of the contents of the first five books of the Old Testament known as the Pentateuch.

Isaiah OT202 (3 credits - 2nd year)

This course is an in-depth study of the background of the book of Isaiah. The book of Isaiah abounds with reproofs for sin and threatening of judgment. The student is given practical application.

Exodus EX203 (4 credits- 2nd year)

This course introduces the second book of the law; also known as the Pentateuch or the Torah, called Exodus. Students will receive a wealth of information concerning the slavery and deliverance of the children of Israel, and the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah.

Homiletics HO204 (3 credits – 2nd year)

This course of study provides the student with the development of eight sermon outlines. Any student completing this course will know how to write and deliver a sermon under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Predictive Prophecy PP205 (4 credits – 2nd year)

This course will introduce the prophecies of the book of Jonah, Isaiah and Micah, Ezekiel and Daniel, and Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, and Jeremiah. These books are all associated as it deals with Christ revealed in the Old Testament prophecy and the building and destruction of several kingdoms.

Introduction to Public Speaking PS206 (3 credits – 2nd year)

This course will provide tools and appropriate techniques for public speaking that will help the speaker to prepare speeches that will persuade and inform the audience concerning the topic at hand.

English ENG206 (4 credits – 2nd year)

This course will introduce essay writing and presentation development, fundamentals of writing, creative writing, and how to create an outline.

Teachers Training (Pedagogy) 1 TT207 (3 credits – 2nd year)

This course defines the objectives of teaching in a classroom setting. The teacher will be provided the tools and techniques to teach the Bible to adults and children.

Introduction to Theology PT300 (4 credits – 3rd year)

This course is a study of the Doctrine of God. It deals with the existence, nature, and attributes of God. Special attention is given to the doctrine of the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the Church, and the doctrine of the last thing.

Introduction to Biblical Counseling BC301 (4 credits – 3rd year)

This course introduces the process of providing spiritual counseling through the Word of God and introduces biblical counseling methodology. Students will be knowledgeable in distinguishing the difference between biblical counseling from secular counseling.

Teachers Training 2 TT302 (3 credits – 3rd year)

This course defines the objectives of teaching in a classroom setting. The teacher will further develop through teaching applications, and enhance their teaching skills by developing their philosophy and design their professional teaching methodology through the UAO practicum provided.

Church History CH303 (3 credits – 3rd year)

This course introduces the six periods of Church History. The life of the apostles and the martyrs for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The various changes implemented in the church from the Apostolic Church to the Modern Church

Practical Theology PT304 (4 credits – 3rd year)

This course introduces the principles of religious practices while examining the academic disciplines. This course will also introduce and prove through scripture, supporting the religious practices of Christians.

Sciences and the Bible SB305 (4 credits – 3rd year)

This course will introduce and list the sciences (i.e., soteriology, eschatology, and angelology) and provide a full explanation from the Bible.

Hermeneutics HE306 (3 credits – 3rd year)

This course will introduce the art of interpretation as it relates to biblical texts, in the areas of philosophy, wisdom, literature/poetry, and prophecy.

Public Speaking PS307 (3 credits – 3rd year)

The students will practice their techniques in public speaking. The student will utilize the information provided during the introduction of this course. Students will perfect the art of persuasion and deliver an effective speech and/or lecture to their audience.

English ENG308 (3 credits – 3rd year)

This advanced course will allow the students to enhance introduce essay writing and presentation development, fundamentals of writing, creative writing, and how to create an outline.

Comparative Religion CR309 (4 credits – 4th year)

This course introduces students to the diversity of academic approaches in the study of religion, including defining religion, the birthing/origin of various religions, and how it affects their culture and lifestyle, relating to many parts of the world.

Christian Counseling CC310 (4 credits – 4th year)

This course is designed to train leaders, pastors, and potential counselors/coaches for ministry to provide spiritual restoration and healing through the Word of God.

Christian Education CE311 (4 credits- 4th year)

The scripture focuses on New Testament scriptures; which thoroughly explain the principles of Christianity, including the Gospel of Jesus Christ (death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus), the gift of Grace, and Repentance.

Christian Leadership CL312 (3 credits – 5th year)

This course provides an in-depth study in biblical Eldership: in pastoral, shared, male, qualified, and servant leadership. This course also examines the Bible-based leadership structure, the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s instructional responsibilities.

Daniel DN313 (4 credits – 4th year)

This course provides a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Daniel dealing with the prophetic account, explaining the saving/redemption of the children of Israel by and through the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation RV314 (4 credits – 4th year)

This course provides a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Revelation dealing with the seven churches of Asia, the seven trumpets, the seven horses, the seven seals, etc.

Discipleship Counseling DC313 (4 credits – 4th year)

This course introduces the fundamentals of biblical counseling to help spiritually heal the disciples or followers of Christ.

Public Speaking PS314 (3 credits – 4th year)

The students will practice their techniques in public speaking. The student will utilize the information provided during the introduction of this course. Students will perfect the art of persuasion and deliver an effective speech and/or lecture to their audience.

Church Administration CH400 (3 Credits – 5th year)

This course introduces the administration, management, and critical functions of the church. This includes financial, church board members/organizations and the functionality of each group, and the function of the church in the community.

Biblical Eldership BE401 (4 credits – 5th year)

This course will introduce the concept of eldership and how: elders lead the church, teach and preach the Word, protect the church from false teachers, exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine, visit the sick and pray, and judge doctrinal issues.

Advance Study of Theology TH405 (4 Credits – 5th year)

This course is an extension of practical theology including the doctrine of the Bible versus the doctrine of other religions. This course introduces the advanced study of Church history and historical theology, theology and culture, the importance of worship, and the principles of preaching vs. teaching the Word of God.

World Religions RE406 (3 credits – 5th year)

This course will introduce the main historical developments, as well as the religious and philosophical ideas of each of the traditions studied during the semester; an understanding of the various ways in which these religious traditions have adapted to the modern world.

John JN407 (4 credits – 5th year)

This course provides a verse-by-verse study of the Book of John investigating the uniqueness of this Gospel compared with the synoptic Gospels. The book of John emphasizes the life and teachings of Christ.

Public Speaking PS408 (3 credits – 5th)

The students will continue to perfect through practice, their techniques in public speaking. The student will utilize the information provided during the introduction of this course. Students will perfect the art of persuasion and deliver an effective speech and/or lecture to their audience.

John JN409 (4 credits – 6th year)

This course provides a verse-by-verse study of the Book of John investigating the uniqueness of this Gospel compared with the synoptic Gospels. The book of John emphasizes the life and teachings of Christ.

The Study and Interpretation of the Name Jesus NJE408 (4 credits – 6th year)

This course draws attention to the names of Jesus represented in diverse tongues and dialects. This includes giving the meaning of his name and answering why there is so much power in the name of Jesus as his name represents the Oneness of God.

Church Administration CA (3 credits – 6th year)

This course introduces the administration, management, and critical functions of the church. This includes financial, church board members/organizations, the functionality of each group, and the function of the church in the community.

Public Speaking PS410 (4 credits – 6th year)

The students will practice their techniques in public speaking. The student will utilize the information provided during the introduction of this course. Students will perfect the art of persuasion and deliver an effective speech and/or lecture to their audience.


2nd Timothy 2:15

“Study to shrew thyself approved unto God a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.”